
Is Now The Time To Have Your Jewelry Appraised or Values Updated?

With inflation running at a 40-year high, Gemcorp is daily getting calls and questions from clients asking if they need to have their jewelry re-appraised. As cliché as it sounds, our answer is most often, “it depends.” Let’s dive into that answer a bit.

Selling Your Jewelry?

Not a day goes by that Gemcorp doesn’t receive an inquiry, often many, from a consumer about how they can sell their jewelry and watches. The internet is filled with firms rivaling to get their hands on your previously owned items, which can be incredibly daunting. We’d like to offer a brief discussion on this complex topic, and hope you will find it informative and helpful.

Fancy Color Diamonds

For most people, the default image of a diamond is crystal clear – colorless or nearly colorless. But did you know that diamond comes in a broad variety of hues, saturations and tones?

May 5, 2020 . . . Open And Operating

We wanted to take a moment to let you know that Gemcorp is open and operating every weekday for your jewelry appraisal and consultation needs; undeniably at a different level than before this pandemic.

Certainly Not Business As Usual But Trying

Since this pandemic reared its pervasive little head, we have taken every precaution necessary to maintain a safe business environment: one on one clients only, time between each client to disinfect the office, and limited business hours.

Gemcorp’s Response to Covid-19

In light of recent coronavirus (COVID-19) worries, we want to let you know what we are doing everything possible to minimize any risk in our office.

Lab-Created Diamonds

Molecularly, structurally and optically, lab-created diamonds are identical to the real thing. Even the experts can have a difficult time separating the genuine from the lab-created without specialized testing and equipment.

What To Know About Jewelry Insurance

There are two types of scheduled jewelry replacement insurance: one is Replacement Value insurance, (also referred to as Actual Cash Value) and the other Agreed Value insurance.